Our Leadership
Jesus is King we are His body
As Baptists we believe in the “priesthood of all believers” and that the gift of God’s Holy Spirit is available to all God’s people and that everyone has a role to play using their God-given gifts. We all have a shared responsibility to discern God’s will for our community under the guidance of leadership. In our church, gifted persons are entrusted by the Members to exercise leadership, teaching, oversight and the administration of the church.
The congregation has collectively affirmed and voted in the Pastors, Eldership and the Church Council to provide oversight of the church and its ministries. The pastors provide leadership oversight over the ministries and operations of the church, while the Eldership provide spiritual oversight, and the Church Council provide organisational oversight and governance.
Our Pastors
Co-Lead Pastors
Beth and Llewelyn Hoy
As pastors of this church, we are passionate about seeing people flourish in a thriving community. In 2017 we moved to Aberfoyle Park and fell in love with the community and in 2021 we were given the opportunity to do ministry here as the pastors of APBC. As a married couple we are blessed with the opportunity to lead the church as a team and use the skills we have together in serving God’s church. We are also blessed to be the parents of three beautiful children and enjoy the challenge of raising our family alongside leading our church family.
Beth has been immersed in a variety of ministry roles, both in the Baptist movement and in ecumenical settings, since her early young adult years. Before ministry she trained and worked as a florist and enjoys being creative. She is passionate about seeing God’s people mobilised to be salt and light in their communities and living out the joy that only the gospel can bring.
Before being called into ministry, Llewelyn was working his dream job: Coaching and developing cricket in Vanuatu. From there he answered the call of God into ministry, and became a youth pastor, before starting at APBC four years later. Llewelyn is passionate about seeing people grow and develop in all aspects of their being and helping them find their identity and calling in and for the Kingdom.

Families Discipleship Pastor
Jaimee Horsnell
I started December 2023 as the Families Discipleship Pastor which means I’m the pastor for kids, teens and young adults. Pretty fun, pretty wild! My favourite thing is getting to know the next generation and hear how God’s at work in their lives.
I’m married to Tom, who’s amazing, and we have two preschool boys that keep me on my toes and two cat’s that act more like dogs. When I’m not at church, you’ll find me finishing off my masters degree, hiking, gardening and out adventuring.

Community Engagement Pastor
Bee Scott
My family and I live locally and have loved being a part of the Aberfoyle Park Baptist Church community since 2021. I joined the Pastoral team in early 2024 as the Community Engagement Pastor and support the church as they seek the Kingdom mission locally, nationally and globally.
I am passionate about using strength-based community engagement principles, ethical fashion, ending human trafficking and slavery and seeing young people empowered and valued.
I am married to Brendan and we have two wonderful daughters. When I’m not at church you will find me in our veggie garden, at the beach or camping.